Best Investment for a Healthier World


Health Worker Advocates: Who Are You Here for in 2019?

I'm here for Elie, a nurse in the north Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Getting to Zero: Lessons on Ebola and Global Health Security

By Jessica Turner for IntraHealth International. This article was originally published on IntraHealth International's publication VITAL, please see the original piece here. We sat down with Oliver Johnson to find out how West Africa's 2014 outbreak is informing DRC's today. As news from the...

A Connected Health Workforce is Essential to Global Health Security

By Corinne Mahoney, IntraHealth International They have the power to shut down cities, damage national economies, and even jeopardize the Olympic Games. As one epidemic after another has emerged during the past few years, we in the global health community have become hypervigilant about global...

On the front lines of the Ebola response

By: Aliya Ladha, Amref Health Africa There is something different about Salematou Soumah when you first look at her - a silent strength and a certain kind of wisdom seems to radiate from within her. While she is not large in stature, her voice captivates and commands attention and that alone makes...

Statement: Continued focus needed on heroic frontline health workers as Ebola recovery begins in West Africa

By Frontline Health Workers Coalition Staff Frontline Health Workers Coalition (FHWC) Director Vince Blaser issued the following reaction to the World Health Organization’s declaration today that all known chains of Ebola transmission have been stopped in West Africa: “WHO’s announcement is...

As Spirits Rise in Sierra Leone, Technology Offers More than Ebola Recovery

On Saturday, November 7, the World Health Organization declared Sierra Leone Ebola-f ree . Hundreds flooded the streets of Freetown to celebrate and pay tribute to those whose lives were lost during the outbreak.

Congressional Briefing Hears Hard Lessons Learned on Frontline Health Workforce Strengthening

By Maeve Halpin, IntraHealth International and Frontline Health Workers Coalition It’s been more than 18 months since the Ebola epidemic began its devastation through Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, causing thousands of deaths and testing health systems to the breaking point. Since the beginning...

 International Medical Corps

International Medical Corps and The Frontline Health Workers Coalition Present A Congressional Briefing on: THE GLOBAL FRONTLINE HEALTH WORKFORCE NEEDED TO SAVE LIVES & RESPOND TO FUTURE THREATS Frontline health workers responding to the Ebola epidemic have rightly received high praise for their...

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