Organizational Membership
The Frontline Health Workers Coalition (FHWC) is an action-oriented alliance advocating for greater and more strategic investments from the U.S. government and multilateral funders in frontline health workers in in low- and middle-income countries as a cost-effective way to save lives and foster a healthier, safer, and more prosperous world. It strives to serve as both a technical support and watchdog function for the development of and implementation of a U.S. government frontline health workforce strategy through a range of planned advocacy activities.
We serve both a technical support and oversight function to USG and multilateral institutions, and a partner to health workers and advocates worldwide. The Coalition is a working coalition, with member organizations that commit time and expertise to further our goals.
The Coalition invites membership inquiries from nongovernmental organizations or companies–both public and private–with a history of or interest in global health and health workforce advocacy. Interested organizations can inquire about membership by e-mailing Tina Flores at